5 июня 2013 г.

Fusion Info Widget - Узнайте погоду и время всегда везде!

The main purpose of this widget is to gather important and accurate information about battery state and weather. Additionally you can setup favorite news feeds, have visual warnings about incoming Calendar events and have information about current time zone in comparison to your home zone.

Information presented for each function:
- Precise visual information of the charge level
- Charging/discharging and using AC or USB
- Temperature

- Visual presentation of the current weather state
- Textual description of the current state
- Humidity
- Wind speed

- Current month and date
- Indication of the state of coming events(green - first event is due in the next 24 hours, yellow – an event is due in next 8 hours and read – an event starts in 2 hours or less.

- Colored letters rss signify that news where updated since last reading

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